General Electric, European Research Center

New Cubism – Shaping innovative working

Keeping up with the slogan „Imagination at Work“ the major goal of GE was to develop and shape their new research center as an inspiring and forward-looking working space. As Imagination is key in research and technology the focus was to foster creativity within a well structured building by enhancing a sense of identity.
Our geometric composition of pemeating, freely combined cuboids leads to the big picture of collaboration and interdisciplinarity of research, science and engineering of GE. The rhythm of the expressive building structure and its interplaying facade develops a identity forming monumentum.

General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten

Imagination at work

Carrying General Electric into the 21st century also by architecture!
Expressive structures in the form of transverse and longitudinal cubes.

General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten

Details matter!

General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten


General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten

Less is more!

Key facts

Location: Munich

Client: General Electric

Period: 2012 - 2015

Size: 22.000 sqm

LPH: 1-8 (general planner)

Images: Hiepler Brunier

General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten

Ground floor

Upper floor

General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten

Let´s get in shape

General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten
General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten
General Electrics, OSA Ochs Schmidhuber Architekten


German Architects:
Jan. 2017: Spiel mit Massen

Bauen Beratung Architektur:
Dec. 2016: Neubau eines Forschungszentrums in Garching - Raffiniert gestapelt und gerahmt

Dec. 2016: Spiel mit Kontrasten - Europäisches Forschungshauptquartier von General Electric

Bayrische Staatszeitung:
Nov. 2016: Eine Acht als Grundform

Süddeutsche Zeitung:
Aug. 2016: Turbo-Denkfabrik

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